Join Laurel Art Guild


Membership runs from July 1 through June 30 and is open to anyone with an interest in the visual arts who wishes to participate in or support the Guild’s activities. Anyone who joins after March 1 will have membership through the following year. New members are most welcome. Benefits of membership include:

  • Regular instructional and informational programs
  • Newsletter
  • Local group exhibits with an opportunity to sell
  • Free display of work on the Guild website
  • Workshops with professional artists
  • Networking/social functions
  • Critiques for your work, by both professionals and peers
  • Leadership skill building opportunities

Membership costs $25 per year, with our newsletter sent by email. To join online,

  1. Complete this form
  2. Click the Pay Now button below to pay your membership dues using PayPal.
LAG Membership Options

You can also join or renew by mail. Just download the Membership Form, complete it and mail it in with your check.

For more information,
